Welcome to our pre-school unit!

Here, children aged 3 to 5 benefit from a range of free time and adult-led activities, group games, and creative time, led by up to three qualified, experienced ‘profes’ (teachers).  

Children competently count and recognise colours, shapes and letters as they play. They show a real fondness for books and singing and show high levels of sustained interest during activities. The wide selection of resources quickly captures their curiosity and the most able children are confident talkers in both Spanish and English. Children develop the key skills that will support school readiness.
— Ofsted May 2019

This unit has direct access to the main garden and three spacious rooms, which children are encouraged to explore, free to spend their time engrossed in any activity of their preference. We follow ‘In the moment planning’ and our knowledgeable team supports children while accessing challenging yet achievable activities.

Children’s love for learning is nurtured and actively encouraged as well as their sense of belonging, achievement and self-confidence, enabling them to be decisive yet caring towards others.

Each area of the EYFS curriculum has an Early Learning Goal (ELG), which is the standard that a child is expected to achieve by the end of their reception year. Most of our pre-schoolers show high levels of achievement, working comfortably towards ELGs when they leave La Casita.